Alpha and Omega ‎אֵת

The word אֵת eth in the first sentence of Genesis is composed of the first letter 𐤀 and the last letter 𐤕 in Paleo-Hebrew.  The  Book of Revelation says that Christ is Alpha and Omega three times, once in the beginning part and twice in the end part.  That is, Christ is the one who has always existed in the beginning and end of history.  𐤀 ah is the shape of a horned animal or sacrifice. And, it's a combination of 2 crosses. 
And 𐤕 the Paleo-Hebrew sound "tha" is a cross.
Christ's most beloved disciple, John , says that the Logos has existed since the beginning, and that the Logos became flesh, that is, Jesus Christ who ascended after suffered and sacrificed for the sins of the world, on the cruel cross.

The Chinese translation for Logos is Tao or Dao, the same word as Taoist ultimate being. The root name of the letter in the shape of a cross is Thaw, which sounds similar to the Chinese Tao. What a coincidence! I think in this era, God has shown me this inspiration, surely has His purpose.  The Chinese Dao, which has influenced Spinoza and Einstein, could be a creation of the marginalised Dan tribe too, as Taoism has originated from Southern China, where they have sea port trading with foreigners from Mideast since time immemorial. Yet, you need to know that the Daoist Dao has a firm bond with yin-yang dualistic philosophy, meaning the Dao must have a dark side.

Disclaimer: The ideas were inspired when I was learning the paleo-Hebrew, and I had shared parts of the contents in social media. If you come across anything very similar or direct copy of the contents, that's not my fault. The article is targeted for those who are not familiar with the Bible and anybody can use the contents.


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