Christ want us to have real freedom

Christ died for our sins, defeated sins and rose to heaven.  He wants us to have real freedom. In addition to what the Bible says, there are also traces to be found in real life.  The COVID pandemic is a good example.  Due to improper risk managements, too many human freedoms were restricted.  As a result, the immunity of the people has declined, and causing more infections. I have been complaining about these since February last year, but my comments were suppressed by those devils and their dogs. As a result, more lives and money were losed.

 “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin." (John 8:34 NLT)

Sins are signs of slavery in one's heart. Other unintentional serious sins may still be controversial, but please don't worry too much of those innocuous little mistakes.  Those selfrighteous demons who intend to replace Jesus, want us to live in unnecessary guilt and suffer.  Just that long term small sins could become a big sin.  Please bear this in mind. Therefore, the Bible says, “be not fashioned according to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  In other words, people who are truly having eternal life will not commit serious sin inside-out.  And, freedom stop in where others freedoms exist.  This is a common sense already, right?  


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