The Axioms

Isaiah 42:3 He will not break the crushed reeds; He will not blow out the remaining lights.  He spread the axioms by faith.

Isaiah, יְשַׁעְיָה /יְשַׁעְיָהוּ, means Jehovah saved.The book of Isaiah has a clear theme, that is, Jehovah's justice and salvation. This verse is mainly pointing to Jesus, the Savior's mercifulness. 

Somehow, it reminds me of the God of Spinoza.  The God he believed in was a natural and inactive God. His views of God was highly respected by Einstein, but at the time, his theology was claimed as atheism.  As a result, he was excommunicated from the synagogue by the Jews.

As God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent, He knows everything in the past, present and future. And since the main course of history has been arranged, then we can say that he is doing nothing now. Just that because we have free will, He also respect our choices or decisions.  Then, could the history be impossible of adjustments?  What we should say is that He knew  everything that will happen as well as all possible adjustments. Therefore, we can also say that the course of history will not change or God is doing nothing now and is unchanging.  

His faithful axioms will inevitably be discovered heard and spread. Isn't there a set of international basic human rights existed?  The Hebrew word מִשְׁפָּט mishpat {mish-pawt'}, is a rule of law, term that has a significant impact on developed countries and even on the international arena. It contains meanings such as justice, trial, procedure, axiom, appropriateness, appropriateness, (judgmental) benchmarks, appropriateness, conventions, etc.

For those who want to eliminate Christianity from humanity, might as well eliminate those related legal axioms as well. That'll be the one the gravest artificial global disasters, guaranteed.


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