To Mask or Not to Mask?

[1 Corinthians 11:4] When a man prays or preaches, if he covers his head, he humiliates his head.
 [1 Corinthians 11:5] When a woman prays or preaches, if she does not cover her head, she humiliates her head, because it is like having her hair shaven.
 [1 Corinthians 11:7] A man should not cover his head because he is the image and glory of God; but a woman is the glory of a man.

Biblical Greek Κατακαλύτομαι
 Katakaluvptomai, means wearing a veil, which is now can mean a mask.

The main reason Saint Paul told men not to cover their heads,  is to separate them from the local fornication culture at that time.  Because many men at that time covered their heads and went to the temples to find prostitutes, and there were no protection measures at that time.  These were sort of like committed suicide and created plagues!

Asking women to cover their heads at meeting was mainly because some women could have attracted people to commit adultery.  Saint Paul did not want to let the church step on the road of fornication culture in the temples then.  He didn't want something as shameful or defiling as that to happen in the church.  Although the number of Christians grew very fast at that time, they were not many in proportion to the population.  Therefore they need to protect themselves and be "sanctified".

When Paul said these words, he was also dealing with the management of faith culture at that time, and he did not regard these ideas as law.

The so-called head covering culture mentioned in the Old Testament, according to the original Hebrew text, was the kind that covered or almost covered the whole body. They were related to shamefulness. And, they were not law too.


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